HELPFUL TIPS: 'Female' Hellgrammite Drift Jigs
This specially-designed drift jig, Gapen's female hellgrammite, best imitates a dislodged bottom dweller which is swept away by current flow and cast rapidly downstream.
HOW IT WORKS: Cast slightly upstream to a spot directly above the fish holding area you've selected. Begin retrieve by holding rod tip high (never lower it after cast), slowly lower it to comfortable retrieving position as lure departs downstream. At this moment, the boat handler has placed the motor and craft in a 'slip' mode (boat backs slowly downstream while still in forward thrust). As the boat and fishermen slowly back downstream, and the lure is propelled by current in a similar direction, the angler continues to hold their rod tips high, lowering every so often as current and depth at lure position decreases/increases and deepens/shallows. The lure is then eased around an exposed and submerged rock pile by reeling in the appropriate amount of line, then allowing it to drip again. With the boat travel no longer keeping up with lure drift, the angler retrieves his lure rapidly to the boat.
WHY IT WORKS: Special head design of this jig makes it drift in proper fashion. Rubber legs best represent the larger female hellgrammite while body design enhances both of these factors.
WHERE IT WORKS: The Hellgrammite Drift Jig works best in shallow (2'-6'), rocky flat areas in river systems where current flow exceeds 2.5 miles an hour. It works best in lakes on shallow rocky island/shoreline reefs which are shallow in nature.