The newest innovation to hit the Fishing World in 75 Years - the Flick Fly is a fish-catching machine. These intricately tied flies feature a rear blade spinner that fish have to investigate. Traditional fly patterns in size 8 for you can fish for just about any fish that swims. Nymph your way down into that water that holds fish - but dazzle them with flash, and FLICK! Tight-lipped fish will be pressed hard to not crush this combination of fly and spin. So easy to fish. Troll these, throw them on light spinning gear or even fly fish these. Flick Fly is available in both dry fly and wet fly to work your local waters - an tease the fish into strong hits, strikes and hook-ups. For a presentation that adds scent, simply add a Gapen Red Ball to the hook or tip the hook with a small piece of crawler or cut minnow. Super-easy to fish. The newest innovation to hit the Fishing World in 75 Years - the Flick Fly is a fish-catching machine. These intricately tied flies feature a rear blade spinner that fish have to investigate. Traditional fly patterns in size 8 for you can fish for just about any fish that swims. Streamer-Style Flick Flies - fish your way down into that water that holds fish - but dazzle them with flash, and FLICK! Tight-lipped fish will be pressed hard to not crush this combination of fly and spin. So easy to fish. Troll these, throw them on light spinning gear or even fly fish these. Flick Fly is available in streamer, nymph-style and wet-style fly to work your local waters - an tease the fish into strong hits, strikes and hook-ups. For a presentation that adds scent, simply add a Gapen Red Ball to the hook or tip the hook with a small piece of crawler or cut minnow. Super-easy to fish.
Stock up on your hatch-n-flash and pick up Nymph Style, Streamer Style & Wet Style fly patterns to catch you more fish - where they feed - Flick Them! Flick Fly comes in Nymph Style, Streamer Style & Wet Style fly patterns to catch you more fish - where they feed - Flick Them!